California Dream Act
Information and resources for AB 540 Students, including eligibility requirements and information about a bill that Governor Brown recently passed in October 2011.
California State (Cal-State) Schools
Central information database covering areas such as admissions, tuition, financial aid, featured stories, and more. Find detailed information about any of the 23 Cal-State schools, including Cal-State L.A., Cal-State Fullerton, and Cal-State Long Beach.
California Student Aid Commission
Useful information about resources and assistance in obtaining a higher education, including information about Cal Grants and other financial aid programs.
College Board Website
Great college-planning resource for students and families, including information about SAT and AP (Advanced Placement) exams, as well as profiles for most colleges and universities in the United States.
Private Colleges & Universities
Main webpage for the Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities (AICCU). You may view an alphabetical list of all the AICCU schools, as well as find more information about Cal-grants and other financial aid options.
University of California (UC) Schools
Information about the University of California (UC) system admissions process, financial aid, campus safety, and much more. Students may also access the online applications for any of the UC schools, such as UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, and UC Berkeley.