Welcome American Government/Economics, one of the most useful classes in high school.  This class is where you learn how your government works and teaches you to make important personal and political decisions.  This syllabus is designed to help you navigate this course effectively.

GOVERNMENT: Students will develop an understanding of how the government works including an understanding of the Constitution and how the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches function. In addition, students will explore the contemporary structure, function, and politics of American Government at the federal, state, and local levels. The concepts of checks and balances, case law, theory and political philosophy, and individual rights and responsibilities of citizens will be examined. Decision-making skills--necessary to address the critical issues in their local communities, California and the United States, as well as in the global society at large--will be developed. American government philosophical foundations and current applications will be addressed. Students will examine and compare political, legal, and social systems. Students will develop an understanding of the relationship America has to current global issues, examine the complexities of international relations and study American foreign policy to understand its impact on the international world today. Research techniques are taught. Position papers are required of all students.

ECONOMICS: In this Economics course, the student will explore key elements of economic theory and the free enterprise system. Major topics will include economic systems, American free enterprise, markets, supply and demand, business and labor, money, banking and finance, measuring economic performance, government and the economy, and the global economy. Student will gain the tools to think and choose responsibly as citizens, consumers, workers, savers, and investors. Graphs, charts, and illustrations will help the student to visualize economic principles. Case studies will demonstrate economic principles at work.


Click on the link below to access textbooks

American Government: ushistory

Economics: alison


To be determined on a later date